Glee follows the lives of the members of a high school Glee Club in a small town in Indiana. One of the main characters, Kurt Hummel, is openly gay – the only one at his school. Season two promises to introduce a love interest for Kurt.
Queer as Folk
Adult Content – Television series originally created by Russel T. Davis following the life of a group of gay men. The UK version ran for 2 seasons, a total of 10 episodes and centers around three friends – Stuart, Vince, and Nathan. The US version ran for 5 seasons with 83 episodes and centers around a group of friends – Brian, Michael, Justin, Emmett, Ted – along with a pair of lesbians – Lindsay and Melanie – who have a son via Brian, Michael’s long-term boyfriend Ben, Michael’s PFLAG mother Debbie, and Debbie’s HIV-positive brother Vic. Both versions share the same initial character archetypes and dynamics, though the US version includes a more extensive cast. Stuart/Brian is a playboy. Vince/Michael is his best friend and also in love with him. Nathan/Justin is new to the gay scene but confident in what and who he wants.
Torchwood is a science-fiction spinoff of the long running Dr. Who series. The TV series follows the members of Torchwood 3 as they hunt aliens and other strange phenomenon pulled in by a space-time Rift in Cardiff, Wales. The first three seasons feature the romance between Captain Jack Harkness, a time-traveler from the 51st century who’s lived on Earth since the 1900s and now heads up Torchwood’s third branch, and Ianto Jones, a former Torchwood 1 employee who escaped the destruction of Torchwood’s main branch and joins Torchwood 3 to help his terminally injured girlfriend.